The purpose of this page is to help keep our neighborhood well-informed about the responsibilities and activities of the Landscaping Committee, which is a subcommittee of the Board of Directors and comprised completely of Bridgewood homeowner volunteers.

The Bridgewood Estates Homeowners Association Landscaping Committee was established to oversee landscaping and maintenance of all Bridgewood HOA common areas for the mutual benefit of all homeowners.



Landscaping Committee Charter


Brief Roles & Responsibilities
  • Oversee landscaping and maintenance of all Bridgewood HOA common areas
  • Negotiate annual or biannual landscaping contract and recommend landscaper and contract to the Board of Directors
  • Monitor common areas for updates or maintenance requirements
  • Work with management agency to negotiate best value for all third-party work
  • Make recommendations to the Board of Directors for both cost and contractor
  • Organize annual (or more frequent as need determined) “Landscaping Parties” to lay bark, maintain “Equestrian Trail”, maintain playgrounds, maintain entrances and traffic islands

Cynthia Shaffer

Monica Cosmos


Maps for Bridgewood Estates showing the Common Areas

Plat – Division 1
Plat – Division 2
Plat – Division 3

©2024 Bridgewood Estates HOA


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